50 Shades of Grey in the Air
15. März 2016 - 2016 / soziotext
Googelt man den Begriff ‚Smog‘, tauchen unendlich viele Berichte über die gravierende Luftverschmutzung in Asien – China – Peking auf. Dabei muss man als Europäer gar nicht mal so weit reisen, um ein bisschen Gift einzuatmen. Und das ganz ohne sich den steigenden Tabakpreisen auszusetzen.
Willkommen in Polen – dem Land der Schnäppchen!
The city has been rated amongst the
most polluted in the world in a
World Health Organization (WHO) study.
The southern Polish city of Kraków
issued a warning on Thursday in the
wake of a dramatic increase in smog.
Air pollution in Krakow poses a
significant danger to human health and life.
This terrible smog damages your respiratory system and cardiovascular system,
and in further effect can cause a premature death!
Each year, pollution levels begin creeping up in autumn.
Smog levels always rise in Kraków with the
onset of winter, and studies have shown that
50 percent of winter pollution comes from low
emission sources, namely from the burning
of coal and other objects in household stoves.
Hazardous air quality is a common problem
particularly during the colder months when many residents use
solid fuels (mostly coal) for household heating.
Burning these fuels in heating appliances releases
many pollutants into the air. Furthermore, sometimes
users of these stoves burn garbage,
despite the fact that doing so is forbidden.
Krakovians inhale with the air the amounts of
benzo(a)pyrene corresponding to
smoking 2.5 thousand cigarettes a year.
A statement released by the city hall
advised that the most vulnerable groups,
including asthmatics, children and the elderly,
“should avoid protracted exposure to the open air.”
What is recommended:
– avoid being outside even for a short time
– the smog is huge even though there is a sunny day like today;
– take a bus or a tram immediately in order
not to be exposed to the „fresh“ air for a longer time;
– do not ventilate your flat;
– under no circumstances should you do some outside activities: jogging, cycling etc.
– use a mask and wear it at all times when being outside
Smoke, heavy traffic and Krakow’s location
in a valley that has little wind to disperse
the smog combine to make the city’s air
the most polluted in Poland.
Krakow has been ranked third behind Bulgaria’s
Pernik and Plovdiv in a ranking of the most
polluted cities in the EU.
The city has been rated amongst the
most polluted in the world in a
World Health Organization (WHO) study.
spread out this information among your friends
in Krakow and also among your family
– they should reconsider visiting you in Krakow.
Ein Cut-Up aus Texten.
Vielen Dank an Leon Lothschütz für die bildliche Unterstützung!
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